The Textile Federation is a member driven organisation and acts under the direction of an executive board on behalf of its membership. It provides a wide range of information to its members and also to a wide range of industry stakeholders and represents the industry on key issues. Some of the principal functions of the Federation are outlined below:
- The maintenance of effective protection against excessive imports utilising the tariff, rebates countervailing and anti-dumping applications;
- Export promotion;
- Participation in international trade negotiations involving input on the tariffs, rules of origin and non-tariff barriers;
- Assisting the authorities in combating illegal imports;
- Interaction with the International Trade Administration Commission and the Department of Trade and Industry, the SA Revenue Services including Customs and Excise;
- Analysis of Import and Export Trade Statistics;
- Comparative analysis and evaluation of imports in the domestic market;
- Analysis and dissemination of official government, internal and international industry related statistics;
- Analysis of market size, shifts of patterns of demand and national economics;
- Regular dissemination of statistics and market information to members and other stakeholders;
- General administrative services;
- Publicity and public relations; and
- Interaction with foreign embassies, trade missions and chambers of commerce and industry.
Amongst its publications are the following which are distributed to its members:
- “Textile Statistics and Economic Review”, an annual publication
- A monthly bulletin containing updates on changes to legislation, tariffs and other trade related developments
- A monthly statistical bulletin – “Textile Brief Statistics”
- Monthly Comparative Trade Statistics